Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Why don't you vote?

I got on my high horse about voting on this morning's show.

For the life of me, I can't understand why people don't get out and vote! If you didn't vote...can you please explain.

Yes, there are a few legitimate reasons (illness, etc.) that may prevent you from voting. But come on...how do you explain a five percent voter turnout? Are you just lazy? Don't you care? Does it not matter to you that countless Americans have died to make sure you have the opportunity to vote? What about people in so many other countries that would give their all just for the chance to vote?

Yes...you do have the right to choose NOT to vote...but what the heck does that accomplish? We will never change the system...or have the best representation... until we have a significant voter turnout.


Anonymous said...

Preach on!

Everyone get out and vote.

Anonymous said...

great point john. love the honesty

Anonymous said...

The system is flawed and one vote doesn't matter. I have no faith in any of the candidates and until someone who can change the system comes along Im not voting.

John Carter said...

So what does this say...voter turnout in Mecklenburg County was a meager 24%!!! That means 76% of regtistered voters did NOT vote! Is that acceptable? Why are so many voters NOT voting? Laziness? Complacency? Lack of interest? Apathy? Is there really any excuse?

Anonymous said...

it means 76% of people don't care.

Anonymous said...

of all the issues facing Charlotte why is voting the one you take such a strong stance on? there are robberies, murders, and a freaking drought going on right now.

why dont you take a stand on a real issue instead of wasting your time with this?

Anonymous said...

John can have any opinion he damn well wants. Voting is an important issue! You'd realize that if you weren't a moron

John Carter said...

I'll tell you why I take such a strong stance on voting...because everything that happens in our area all boils down to WHO WE VOTE FOR! That impacts crime...robberies...murder...the drought...because we are electing leaders who are making the decisions that affect all those issues! So when 76% of registered voters don't vote...it means a mere 24% of voters are having a HUGE impact on how our community deals with those issues! Are you okay with that? Why wouldn't you want to have your say in the matter? And if you don't like the candidates...and don't have faith in the system...WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO CHANGE IT? It's not enough to gripe about problems...you've got to take action!! Get involved in your community! It may take extra effort on your part...but how else will we affect change?

But back to the voting thing...so many have died to preserve our freedoms...and our ability to be able to vote freely in this country. What would you say to the families of those people...about why you choose not to vote...to honor those who have died?

Woody1947 said...

To the person that has no faith in the candidates and just waiting for someone to come along. You may have a long wait to get that perfect person you are looking for. I am betting you aren't registered and have never served in the military. If you don't like the system here, there are plenty of other countries willing to take you, or are they?