Friday, February 22, 2008

Maybe I'm Just Green With Envy

Forbes Magazine, what did Charlotte do to you? I'm usually not one to defend a city I live in, just because I live there, but there are exceptions.

You may have heard on the news, Forbes Magazine has published an article naming America's Most Jealous Cities. Charlotte ranked number 2 on the list. According to Forbes, the list was made up of cities with the highest property crime. The thought is, if people are stealing, it must be because they are jealous.

I suppose Forbes makes a valid point, there is a lot of property crime in Charlotte. But my thinking is, it's better to have a lot of property crime, than a lot of violent crime! Maybe the magazine's next article could be "America's Most Hateful Cities" or "America's Most Laziest Cities" for cities with high unemployment rates. Seriously, it isn't nice.

I've heard a lot of people talking about how stealing has nothing to do with jealousy but instead with poverty rates. Honestly, I'm not that worked up on why people steal ( I don't defend criminals), I'm more upset that Forbes Magazine has nothing better to do than to beat up on Charlotte (AGAIN) and to make light of crime trends.

My question is, why doesn't Forbes Magazine look on the bright side of life? How about "America's Most Modern Cities" or "America's Greenest Cities" or even "America's Most Beautiful Cities." ... After all we are number 2 in the number of people who undergo plastic surgery.

What's the old saying? Something about people pick on you because they are jealous of you... Hmmm makes you wonder if it's Forbes Magazine that's got the jealousy Jones.


Anonymous said...

someone was drinking their Haterade when they wrote that article!

Anonymous said...

charlotte isnt that great