Monday, February 25, 2008

Don't Screw Up... I'm Watching You!

I don't like listening to the radio in the car anymore...if the dial goes anywhere near a country station. Why? Because there is a country song out that scares the snot out of me.

Its called "Watching You" by Rodney Atkins. If you haven't heard it before, download it - or ask someone who has it. Even if you don't like country...

And its not SUPPOSED to be scary...its supposed to be a feel good kinda song. But when I listen to the lyrics of the song, I get scared about growing up and being a parent.

Here's the chorus:

"He said I've been watching you dad, ain't that cool
I'm your buckaroo, I wanna be like you
And eat all my food and grow as tall as you are
We got cowboy boots and camo pants
Yeah we're just alike, hey ain't we dad
I wanna do everything you do
So I've been watching you"

This scares me. I feel like as a person, I'm an okay person. I have respect for my elders, and I try and be a good person - but having someone that looks up to me 24/7...


I don't think I'm ready for this kind of responsibility. Not yet.

By the way...this is only the second song to ever give me the heebe-jeebes. The other song was "Hotel California"...when I was like eight. I used to hear the song and picture little gremlin-like, clownish creatures coming to get me and taking me away forever.

But that could never happen.



Chris Suchan said...

I see your point, 'The Producer'. From my view, I saw more of my relationship with my own dad in the song's chorus than what's to come for me. I'll be ready for that day when the time comes:)

Chris Suchan

Anonymous said...

Hotel California is a scary song