Friday, October 26, 2007

I'm taking my Speedway and going home!

You know - I heard a great comparison the other day between children and the Bruton Smith/City of Concord problem the other day. It's like when little girls are playing with their Barbies, and one does something the other doesn't like. "Fine then, I'm taking my Barbies and going home!"

That's basically what is seems like Bruton Smith is doing with Lowes Motor Speedway. "You won't let me build my drag strip? Fine then, I'm outta here."

And a LOT of people have been talking about Concord's reaction since the incident. It was an almost immediate barrage of apologizes and offers of "What can we do for you?"

There have been campaigns launched such as, a plane with a banner saying "We love Bruton Smith," offers of tax breaks - and heck, they are even still talking about giving him the drag strip he wanted in the first place! Oh yeah, and lets not forget, they want NC DOT to approve the name change of Speedway Boulevard to Bruton Smith Boulevard!

After all that - Smith is still telling reporters in Georgia that he is 90% sure he's still moving the Speedway! Is this just crazy???

What do you think? Should Concord just cut its losses and move on - or do whatever it takes to save the Speedway?

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